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Family Treasures

When I was up in Maine for my father’s memorial service we went through the storage place that was being rented. It had all the stuff from our old house, most of it was junk as far as I was concerned, but there were a few things I wanted. My Aunt Meg was kind enough to package it all up for me and send the boxes down last week. I received them today.

The first box I opened had the nice plates we always used on holidays.

Family Dishes
Family Dishes

I don’t know anything about them. It’s hard to tell with my parents, some of the things my mother bought were pretty cheap, but back when my father was making the big bucks they bought a lot of very nice things. Or they could have been a gift, or they could have been something handed down in the family. They do bring back memories though, every holiday we’d get to use them, my father would handwash them (no dishwasher for these!).

Unfortunately some of the dishes were broken %\ The box with the dishes had been moved around quite a bit since leaving my parent’s house, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they were broken even before being shipped. It’s a pity. At least I have 4 complete sets, 6 if the mugs aren’t included in the place setting. It’s all about sentimental value anyway.

The boxes also contained a few nice dishes, a crock pot, some old photo albums and a whole box of pictures, which included this gem:

litle Lyz w/ nerd glasses

Egads, why did my parents let me wear those? They’re huge! *grin*