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I had the biggest craving for a chicken cheese steak hoagie for lunch. Only trouble was that it\u2019s raining today and the Pizzeria is 4 blocks away.

Then I remembered I have a raincoat with a hood. So I called up the restaurant, placed my chicken cheese steak hoagie order, and put on my raincoat for a drizzly walk downtown.

It was nice. For once there weren\u2019t annoying kids running down the street and bikes nearly running me over on the sidewalk. The only other person I saw on my walk was the mailman.

I got my hoagie, came back here to work, and ate it while checking email. Yum.

I\u2019ve been swamped with work today since it\u2019s our fiscal month end today (my first one in this department!), but I\u2019m in a great mood.

is picking me up from work to go over to her place for movie night, should be fun, even if Michael is going to the men\u2019s sweat lodge in Malvern and won\u2019t be around %\

And our plans for the rest of the weekend?

Looks like it\u2019s going to rain tomorrow, not so much a yard work day. Maybe we\u2019ll spend that day shopping for when we do need to do yard work, Michael is planning on making a compost bin, so we need to pick up some poles and chicken wire for that. Tomorrow evening we\u2019re planning on spending some time with friends who want to play some D&D, which I haven\u2019t played almost 4 years (still have my dice though).

Sunday will be yard work day, assuming the weather is nice.

And now my lunch break is over. Only about 3 more hours until weekend %D