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Great, productive weekend

We had quite a busy weekend.

Friday night we went over to a friend’s house to hang out. I had a nice time, had a couple fruity drinks (ice, vodka and strawberry daquari mix), late in the evening and I did a couple shots of Slivovitz, oh I do love that plum brandy.

Saturday morning I got up early, went back to bed around 9:30 and got up again around 10:30 when Michael needed to do some work. Mostly just puttered around for the rest of the morning. In the early afternoon we went out to the Home Depot to pick up some things for yard work the rest of the weekend. We planned on just getting the materials needed to make our compost area and a stopper and trap for the tub, but we walked out of there with a grill and a couple collapsable chairs as well.

So now we have a grill to go with the beautiful grill utencil kit that and gave us!

Char-Broil Grill

(Yes , now we can have a cookout!)

We didn’t get home from the Home Depot until almost 4pm. When we did the first duty was setting up the compost area. We bought 5 metal poles, and 20 feet of poultry wire, Michael started getting that together. Eventually I came outside to join him, and he dug the holes for each of the poles. It was awful, it was so hot and humid, and our soil is so unbelievable rocky. Eventually he was finished with it though. It’s not quite as round as we wanted it to be, but digging more holes in the rocky ground isn’t very appealing, and it’s on a hill, like the rest of our yard. It’s just a compost area afterall.


It was around 5 when we were finished. Michael was exhausted from the digging and needed a shower. We just wanted to relax. I called up the friend I we had plans with and cancelled, felt bad but I don’t think either of us would have been very good company. I hate the heat.

By 8pm the temperature had gone down quite a bit and we were feeling much better. We were hungry, wanted some place with good food and good wine. So we headed out to the Road House Grille in Skippack.

Dinner was amazing, probably the best I’ve had there so far, and that’s saying a lot!

Appetizer of their Road House Shrimp Cocktail with Tequila and Lime Infused Cocktail Sauce. That was some good cocktail sauce.

For dinner I ordered Baked Mahi-Mahi over buttermilk potatoes, with mushrooms and a lobster sauce. These are a few of my favorite things! Michael ordered a great looking chicken and shrimp dish.

Can’t forget the wine, we ordered a bottle of Rocca Bernarda Pinot Grigio. Yum.

It 10pm by the time we got home, I watched a movie and was in bed by midnight.

This morning Michael got up early to start working on the yard before it got hot. The job was to clear out the cluttered, unkept compost pile from the side of the house, and remove weeds and junk surrounding our trees, Michael spent all morning doing it while I stayed inside being lazy. He finished the compost area before I came outside. Around 11 I joined him and we tackled around the trees.

Tree Plot 1Tree Plot 2

Moved a lot of rocks and put nice compost from the old compost pile within the rocks. I’m quite proud of our work, it looks great. The next step will be filling it in with mulch, which we’ll probably have delivered this week.

Around 12:30 we wen
t in for lunch. I then went for a shower and Michael finished up outside. I did some laundry, did the dishes and cleaned up a bit. Around 2 we were ready to go out to get some propane for the new gas grill and stop at the garden store for some herbs.

I had planted herb seeds earlier in the season, but we have an evil chipmunk that likes to dig up and eat all my seeds (luckily it just digs up the flower bulbs, those actually are growing into plants now). So I figured getting seedlings of herbs would be a better idea.

And before we left for the garden store I went online to find a list of plants that are poisonous to cats. I found a few but none were printer-friendly (wasn’t about to print a 36 page website listing them all..), I eventually found a site that listed both poisonous and non-poisonous very nicely, dropped the info in a spreadsheet, and knocked the length down to a managable 5 pages, first 3 are non-toxic to cats, last 2 are toxic. It was great to have with us, and I uploaded it to share nontoxic-toxic-plants-cats.xls.

The garden store was so hot, so I hurried and picked up a couple kinds of rosemary, a small oregano plant, and a small mint plant. We then went over to the houseplant area and got a calathea (non-poisonous to cats!) which looked nice.

After leaving the garden store we went up to the Sears Hardware store in Collegeville for a propane tank. When we entered the parking lot I noticed a Wine and Spirits shop, it was the Super Store that’s open on Sundays! So we went over there, picked up a couple of nice bottles of wine, and I found my beloved Slivovitz, finally!

After getting the propane tank we came home. I planted my herbs. Michael planted our new houseplant, then went inside to install the air conditioners.

And now it’s now. Time for dinner, going to try out our new grill by cooking some veggie burgers, yum!