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Hormones warp mirrors

“I don’t have anything to wear to upcoming concerts.”

“Just wear shorts, that’s what I’m doing.”

“I don’t have any good ones anymore.”

“Don’t you have a pair of jeans?”


“Do you want to go shopping tonight?”

“Sigh. I guess.”

This exchange took place last night after work. I needed clothes. So we headed to the Montgomery Mall, not too far from where I work.

In a perfect world there would be an L.L. Bean store in that mall, but alas, the closest ones are in NJ and DE. So I ended up at Strawbridges.

I should really not buy clothes during certain hormone crazy times of the month. As I mentioned to a friend last night “hormones warp mirrors.” I’ve been feeling particularly sensitive about my weight recently, since I was depressed for a couple weeks and being lazy, then that hot spell where I couldn’t go for walks. It’s summertime, I should be outside getting tons of exercise and working off the extra winter pounds! And I’m annoyed that the winter pounds are there at all, I need to get a gym membership or something.

Anyway, I managed to find a couple pairs of khaki shorts in my regular size (see, self, you haven’t put on a zillion pounds, size 8 still fits! Stop being crazy and annoying everyone by posting this girly “omg I’m so fat” nonsense in your journal!). And picked up a nice pair of jeans that felt good. I haven’t had a nice pair of jeans in years, but I liked how these ones looked. All these clothes were on sale, nice.

Michael picked up a pair of shorts and shirts too, and then we went to the Disney Store, yay! I got some cute pajamas and a Stitch T-Shirt.

In all it was a less painful experience than shopping usually is. I think that’s because there weren’t too many people around, and I actually was able to find clothes I liked rather quickly, which is unusual.

Ah, it’s friday. Off to work for me.