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Keeping up with mail

I’m on a bunch of mailing lists, but since I started working full time I haven’t had the time to keep up with them all. This was annoying, I’d eventually spend a whole Saturday morning or something catching up, and then want to reply to something and notice that it’s a month old. Doh.

Now that we have SquirrelMail running I can check it during my lunch break. It’s great. Over the past 2 weeks I’ve kept up with almost all the lists I’m on! I’m glad, I was feeling so detatched from all the communities, and it was depressing.

Now I can read all the PLUG mails about comcast, threads which go something like this (leet speak, bad grammar and misspellings added for humor):

omgz comcast died on me again!!!11 wuts wrong?

lol mines down too! I think it's DNS!!

omg comcast died for my mom too!

wtf comcast gave me a new modem for the 24th time!

my comcast breaks all the time too!!

comcast is broken in $location too!

rotfl comcast sucks use dsl

i have a story about when my comcast died *story*

*another story about comcast dying*

omg 72 hours to fix

lmao that sux!!!1

Ok I’m done.