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Mmm four day work week.

It’s been a pretty good week so far. I haven’t slept as well as I normally do, but it hasn’t seemed to bother me any.

Tuesday after work we went grocery shopping. When we got home Michael got out his drill and we hung the ropes along the side of the garage for our hops, some of which were getting tall and really needed to start climbing something. For dinner we had Morningstar Farm burgers. We spent the evening just relaxing downstairs, didn\u2019t even touch my computer.

Wednesday morning I woke up at 5am, an hour earlier than usual, it gave me time to catch up on email and things I didn\u2019t do the night before. It was strange being up so early though.

Work day went quickly, I breezed through my work.

Michael picked me up at 5 and we decided to head to a Chinese place that some friends had recommended, Yantze in Lansdale. Trying new Chinese food is always scary, I can\u2019t handle much MSG, so I\u2019ve spent my share of evenings in the bathroom after bad Chinese place trips. But I love Chinese food, so it\u2019s usually worth the risk. I was surprised when I walked into the restaurant, it was pretty nice for being in a shopping plaza. It was a bit different than normal Chinese places, I didn\u2019t even see Sweet and Sour chicken on the menu, they had a lot of good looking dishes, took me forever to decide. Eventually we each ordered a dinner (which came with soup, egg roll and ice cream for dessert), Michael got the sesame chicken and I got a hot seafood dish. It was good, and I didn\u2019t get sick, yay!

When we got home I spent some time online, explained \u201chow domain names work\u201d to a friend who was looking to buy one but didn\u2019t \u201cget\u201d how they worked. After explaining it I realized I wasn\u2019t really in the mood to be online. I ended up spending the evening reading and watching TV.

I got a few books in the mail for the Philly Chix, part of a series called \u201cSpring Into\u201d which I was expecting to be more \u201cnewbie learns $subject\u201d books, but so far have surprised me with their smartness. They\u2019re aimed at professionals and people already familiar with IT who want to venture into new subjects, the Spring into Linux book doesn\u2019t have the cutesy stories and text boxes everywhere insulting your computer intelligence. I\u2019ll write a full review of the Linux one soon, but so far, I\u2019m impressed.

And now it\u2019s Thursday and I\u2019m on my lunch break. Four day work weeks are good.