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I felt sore when I got out of bed this morning. After leaving the air-conditioned bedroom I started feeling awful. My stomach was killing me and I just wanted to go back to bed. Alas, I have no sick days and figured it was just the heat making me feel lousy.

The cool car ride into work made me feel a bit better, and we stopped for Bagels on our way through Lansdale. I was still feeling a bit off when I got into work, my supervisor said I wasn’t looking the greatest.

“What a shame! You’re going to that show tonight!”

“Not tonight, tomorrow, on the 27th.”

“Today is the 27th… I just checked my calendar, I have you marked down as leaving at 3 today.”

“Oh my gosh, you’re right, I’m so daft sometimes!”

Now, I would have figured it out myself when I sat down to do my first invoice and noticed the date, but boy did I feel dumb, why did I think it was tomorrow?

As the morning went on I started feeling better in this nicely air-conditioned office. It’s lunchtime now and I feel fine. Yay!

So Michael’s going home to pick up a change of clothes and our tickets. He’s picking me up at 3pm and we’re taking a train down into the city. And then we can enjoy an evening of Meat Beat Manifesto at The Troc!