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Random thoughts on a hot evening

I wasn’t going to complain about the heat because I’ve been complaining a lot lately, but I can’t help it.

I hate hot weather. It’s after 9 and the temp is still over 80, humidity above 50%. Michael and I are hanging out up here in the computer room, where we have the A/C on. Mmmm.

At least I’m not sick. Michael hasn’t been feeling well these past couple days, allergies acting up and we’re pretty sure the rash on his arm is poison ivy, since there was poison ivy in some of the areas he was digging up this past weekend. It sucks %\

So monday, we learned for certain Apple is going Intel, something that would have sounded like pure blasphemy just a week ago. And Sarge went stable. It was a world gone topsy turvy! %)

I don’t think I’ll be getting a mac as my next laptop…

And I do think I’ll be going back to Debian. I like Gentoo, but I don’t even update anymore because it’s such a pain and I don’t have time to fix everything. And that’s bad %)

Today started off nicely, got this lovely email in my inbox:

From: LiveJournal <accounts@livejournal.com>
Subject: Gift! Paid account left-overs...
To: lyz@princessleia.com


User falcovolt has decided to transfer his/her remaining paid time to you. So, you now have a paid account (if you didn't have one already) and 323.98 more days of paid account status.



Turns out got a permanent account and decided to give his remaining paid account days to me. How’s that for a good morning? So far I’ve only used the search functions, but I’ll dabble in some of the other paid account goodies in the weeks to come.

Now I need to go downstairs and turn on the AC in the bedroom and try to get sleepy.