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In May of 2005 two similar domain names that I wanted were due to expire. One was renewed, but the other was abandoned. For 3 months I’ve been keeping my eye on this expired domain name, waiting for it to be dropped back in the pool of domain names that could be bought. I pretty much knew nothing about how long it takes for a domain to go back into the world, apparently it depends on the registrar. This one was registered with Register.com, which seems to take takes 90 days.

On August 2nd I was able to grab the domain.

13thHour.net is now ours!

For now I just have Godaddy forwarding it to the existing #13thHour page, but we’ll work out DNS and give it a real home soon. Maybe I’ll even get around to that redevelopment of the whole page that I’ve been talking about for a year.
