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Aunt Meg’s Visit

I left work yesterday at 4pm. By 4:30 I was pulling up Woodland Ave when my cellphone rang.

“Hi, Beth[1]? I’m at your house.”

“Oh! I just pulled onto my street, be there in a sec.”

Michael came down when I pulled in the driveway (he’d been working upstairs) and greeted my aunt. The first news from her was that she had her purse stolen earlier that morning so she was thankful that we were putting her up for the night.

I gave her the grand tour of the house, garage and yard while Michael finished up some work. I think she really liked it, and apparently the pictures don’t do it justice at all, she said it was much bigger than the pictures made it seem.

We went out to dinner at Ortinos Northside, it was pretty good. We talked about family: the good, the bad and the downright wacky. It was good catching up, we’re all so busy and far apart that it’s rare that we get to sit down and talk about things.

After dinner we went back to the house and stayed up talking until around 10. I was pretty exhausted by then, it’s been a busy week. We let her stay in our room and set up a “bed” made of our spare blankets upstairs in the computer room. It actually turned out being fairly comfortable, and Caligula thought our blanket bed on the floor was the best thing ever, he was crawling through all the covers and attacking me while I was trying to sleep.

My aunt left around 6:30am this morning, among other things she needed to get a new driver’s license because of her lost purse, so wanted to get on the road early.

It was a good visit, and finally someone in my family has seen the house!

[1] Apparently I have nickname issues, different people in different parts of my life call me by different names. It can be confusing at times, especially when they get together and are all calling me by different names. Every time I sign an email I have to remember how I know the person and by what name they know me.