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omg famous

During the first bit of my lunch break I decided to go for a walk because it’s so nice out. While on my walk I decided to drop into the Lansdale thrift store to check out their scifi book section (which has been awful lately, and was today too *sigh*).

While thumbing through a book I heard some guys giggling, which I ignored, until a tallish, uber-white, skinny one who looked to be about 20 came over and started to talk to me.

“This is gonna sound so dumb if I’m wrong, but is your name Lyz?”

“Uh… yeah…”

“Do you own PrincessLeia.com?”


“Oh man! That’s so cool! I just used your Debian mplayer how-to this past weekend! This is so cool! I read on your site that you lived around here!”

His buddies came around the corner then too, and there was much “haha, I told you it was her!” and laughing. I politely said that I was happy my how-to was helpful but that I had to get back to work. Quite honestly I was freaked out by their excitement, and the fact that someone “in the real world” actually recongnised me. And I am not so good with people I don’t know anyway.

But in the end I guess it’s kinda cool, I’ve never had that happen before.