I was combing my hair before my shower when I looked in the mirror and saw a big, dark spider up in the corner above the shower stall.
I don’t mind spiders much, but this one was big, with giant fangs. But it was up too high for me to practically reach it before a shower. I figured it would stay in it’s spot and I could get a glass and let it go after the shower.
It didn’t stay in it’s spot.
I am not sure why it decided to move, but it walked along the wall, and as the wall got wet from the condensation it sometimes slipped, and would fall a few inches on it’s spiderweb thread. Each time scaring me. So I continued with my shower, and as soon as the soap was out of my hair I got out.
Then I got dressed and got the camera so I can share it all with you:
Haha! Now you can have nightmares about giant shower spiders too! I didn’t measure it, but I’d say it was at least 2 inches long.
And rest assured, I did eventually get a glass and released it outside.