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Coffee Luddite

We got a new coffee maker here at work. It’s got a digital display, menus, and is all sleek and new looking.

I strongly dislike it.

The old one we had just had three mechanical buttons: Coffee/Tea, Espresso, Hot Chocolate. Each morning I hit the espresso button twice, to fill my cup halfway with hot chocolate and half with coffee – which makes a relatively yummie mocha drink.

I guess what I liked most about it is that it wasn’t something that would break like a computer might, no digital display to go bad. Broken coffee machines are horrible things. The old coffee maker was very simple.

Simple is good when it comes to coffee.

The best strong coffee I drink is right out of our french press. No buttons, no complexity, you just put the ground coffee beans in, add hot water and push down the filter thingy.

Mmm french press coffee.

But the new coffee machine has more buttons and a digital display explaining that it’s making my coffee, tells me to enjoy it, and warns me that it’s very hot. Plus the espresso button is on a submenu rather than being on the front *sigh*

I’ll admit though, it’s fun to play with. Our office computers were down the better part of the morning (arg) and I spent some of that time playing with the new digital coffee maker.

Only trouble with playing with a coffee maker is that it makes coffee. I had a Mocha AND a Cappuccino this morning. Yeahyeahyeahyeah! %D