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Yesterday was uneventful. Friday night we had Bob and over for movie night, unfortunately my allergies were acting up and I didn’t really enjoy myself. Michael suggested that I take some of the 24 hour Claritin D that we had (normal Claritin doesn’t do anything). We watched MSTed Merlin’s Shop of Mystical Wonders and by the end of it I was nodding off – but still congested! Damn that Claritin D!

I was pretty much a zombie all day yesterday, stuck in the antihistamine sleepiness funk. I worked on a couple things, set up a syndication feed for 13thhour.net, here: . I did some updates to wallaceandgromit.net, spent time playing around with the CSS on princessleia.com (no progress made though). I tried getting CUPS working on my computer, but after messing around with it for 2 hours and still not being able to print a test page, I got tired of it and figured I’d finish later. Then I attempted to tackle the “playing midis in linux” problem, which has been bothering me since a friend asked me how to do it last week. It’s strange that I’ve never attempted to play them, and even stranger that I can’t figure out how, how-tos that exist either scare me with their talk of keyboards and sequencers (I really just want to play this little sound file!) or say “just use playmidi” … which obviously doesn’t work, or else I wouldn’t be searching for pointers. Arg.

In all, I felt pretty unsuccessful and useless, so I read for most of the day. Idly wandering upstairs to check my email now and then. I finally finished Life of Pi and read about 100 pages of Lakota Woman (which takes forever to get into). What else did I do all day? I don’t know, I was groggy. We didn’t end up going to the sweat last night because my grogginess probably wouldn’t have gone over well there. We’re starting the Shaman course next week, so we’ll be going to a sweat lodge then. I made veggie burgers for dinner and went to bed around 9:30.

I wouldn’t say yesterday was a bad day, or boring or depressing. I was in a decent mood. It was just slow, very relaxing.

Today I was more awake. mentioned on Friday that she was going to the Allentown fair today and if we wanted to join her. I seriously considered it, but I’m not really much of a fair person. Too many people, everything’s overpriced, and I don’t really enjoy activities at them. So what else was there to do today? Not much. Michael did his radio show from 4am until noon, so he’s napping right now. Which leaves me with more alone time all afternoon.

I got cups to print a test page after mentioning to Michael what a bitch it’s been. He gave me the notes he still had from the last time he set up and told me that it’s a particularly frustrating one to get working since it’s an old, cheap HP. Apparently the default HP DeskJet Driver I was trying to use for it wasn’t the right one, and downloading a ppd file from linuxprinting.org was the best route to go.

My next task is going to be getting other software to use the printer and print properly, but I’m sure I’ll figure that out quickly enough.

Around 5 I’m going to go pick up and we’re going to KOP for some window shopping. Mostly I just want to see if Wallace and Gromit toys have hit the shelves here in the US, I keep getting emails from fans in the UK about all the cool toys they’re buying, and since I don’t generally go to malls, I haven’t a clue what we have here.

*wanders off to get printer working properly*