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Magic Room

“I feel like I can’t relax and concentrate, like you’re going to walk through the room, or the cat is going to come bother me.”

“Yeah, we need a room for this.”

We’re referring to our meditation and journeying practices.

That’s when we thought of the space above the garage. We get to it via an outdoor stairway along the side of the garage.

Stairs up to magic room

It’s an unfinished room that we currently have some spare household things in, a couple tents for camping. It is not insulated so it’s very hot in the summer and very cold in the winter. Although it has a light, there are no electrical outlets up there.

magic room

It has potential. We need a room that’s detached from our normal house life. Somewhere where we can close the door and shut out the world. While in our Magic Room we are not disturbed. With a little bit of work this could be the perfect place.

As if we weren’t convinced, Michael reminded me of something I had completely forgotten. When we bought the house, there was a dreamcatcher on the door. I thought we had gotten rid of it, but we didn’t. It’s still there:


If that’s not some sort of sign staring me in the face, I don’t know what is.