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network.xelium.net launch

I launched the new Xelium website last night.



You may remember several months back when we had a design contest for the site. That failed miserably and I ended up pulling together this design myself using an existing logo. It sat around for months, I was trying to bother my fellow admins for their input and pictures. Then I got busy.

As I mentioned in a previous entry I spent some time this weekend working on it and then just said “Is this ok? Good, I’m launching it.” Which is generally the best way to go in such situations.

The staff page was funny. Since only a couple of the admins sent in pictures I just went ahead and used the first google image hit for their nickname, which came out particularly amusing for Tech, and somewhat inappropriate for fLeSh (I cropped). LittleWolf lucked out though, his is super cute.

The faces of Xelium page was fun, since I got to have people on the network email me their pictures for me to crop and put up, and I had no clue what some of them looked like before this. Which reminds me, me and Time are the only ones from #13thHour with our pictures on there, so you #13thhour people give me permission to post your picture there please (%

The Linking page is new, but since adding a new server last night (and an EU server possibly on the way) I doubt we’ll be accepting new connections anytime soon if these work out.

The rest is pretty much just a copy of what was on the old page. I’ll need to update the modes section sometime, since we did a massive upgrade of the ircd recently. And of course I’ll have to update the servers page when/if these new servers actually work out (never fail, I updated the server map this past weekend because it had been out-dated for months, and two days later we’re adding another, ahahaa! I think my exact words this time were “Server? Like a new Xelium leaf? HOLY CHRIST I JUST UPDATED THE SERVER MAP!” and everyone laughed.).

Gosh, I’ve been doing a lot of website work lately o_o