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Outing w/ Bae and stuff I did today

Yesterday evening I picked up and we went out to the KOP Mall. As I mentioned in my last entry, I wanted to see if I could find some Wallace and Gromit toys. I guess I was really looking for an excuse to get out of the house. After this busy summer, having a weekend were we have nothing planned made me restless.

After getting slightly lost in Norristown (AHHH!), we made it to KOP around 5:30. Parked and walked around the mall for a bit.

Ugh malls.

I need to get tattooed on my arm “you don’t like malls” or something, since I hate them and yet I still see them as a viable option when I want to just hang out with someone. We only spent about an hour in the mall before I got annoyed with the people and screaming children.

I need a mall that doesn’t have any other people, or clothing stores. Just the stores I want, all close together.

Right, that’s why I have the internet.

We didn’t succeed in finding any WnG toys, not in the toy store, or the comic store, or a movie store. Very disappointing. We did see a poster for the movie though.

For dinner we headed to T.G.I. Fridays. It was nice getting to just hang out with , usually we have with us as the driver. But now that I have my own car I can go pick her up myself! We got to talk about all those great girly things that we can’t talk around with the boys around %)

Today is another planless day. I suggested that we head to Skippack and browse the little shops there this afternoon because it was so nice out, but Michael’s allergies got bad and he wasn’t feeling well %( So instead I prepared the new Xelium website for launch – just in time for one of our main servers on the network to go down, thus postponing said launch, d’oh! I also finally got cups working perfectly, turns out I didn’t have the cupsys-bsd package installed, which includes the lpr layer for cups, with that installed I had no trouble printing from firefox. I also finally got around to installing the google firefox plugin, which I only did so I could check out PageRank. And while redoing the Xelium site I decided I needed a more recent picture of myself, which I’m also using for my default lj icon now, slightly larger one is: here (yay Linux Cookbook!).

And now?

<@LeXy> i think im going to wrap up in a blanket and watch scifi or a movie with giant bugs

She’s got the right idea.

*grabs blanket and heads off to watch some bad scifi movie*