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Archive for September, 2005

Traffic sheep

I had the best time coming home from work today. I was driving up Route 73 from Skippack Pharmacy, and about halfway to Schwenksville there were some cop cars and a sign saying “All Traffic –>” Closing part of 73 during rush hour? Madness! Must be something bad. So I follow the detour, which is […]

Pretzels and Chocolate

A Philly Soft Pretzel Factory store opened up 2 blocks from where I work. I knew this would be dangerous, I love soft pretzels. Today I thought about going to get one after finishing my salad lunch (see, I’m trying to be good!), but I resisted the temptation. Then a woman in the next department […]

network.xelium.net launch

I launched the new Xelium website last night. Behold! network.xelium.net You may remember several months back when we had a design contest for the site. That failed miserably and I ended up pulling together this design myself using an existing logo. It sat around for months, I was trying to bother my fellow admins for […]


Fansites are much more fun to run when it’s a cult thing and news trickles out every month or so, each tidbit an exciting morsel of knowledge. With the release of the Wallace and Gromit movie I can’t keep up. Just this week I missed the news about the World Premiere! Had to post about […]

Outing w/ Bae and stuff I did today

Yesterday evening I picked up and we went out to the KOP Mall. As I mentioned in my last entry, I wanted to see if I could find some Wallace and Gromit toys. I guess I was really looking for an excuse to get out of the house. After this busy summer, having a weekend […]


Yesterday was uneventful. Friday night we had Bob and over for movie night, unfortunately my allergies were acting up and I didn’t really enjoy myself. Michael suggested that I take some of the 24 hour Claritin D that we had (normal Claritin doesn’t do anything). We watched MSTed Merlin’s Shop of Mystical Wonders and by […]

Assi Plaza

On our way out of work yesterday I was talking to the woman in the next cubicle about Indian food. She’s never been to Greater India and we thought it might be fun to go during lunch sometime next week. While on the subject of food she mentioned a grocery store up the street called […]

Gas prices

I’ve been listening to economic commentary about the rising prices over the summer. Besides the drop in SUV sales, the general public hasn’t been too upset over the prices so far. Polls have indicated that people aren’t changing their driving habits that much. It’s been a grand debate as to when the prices would get […]