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Sweat Lodge for my Grandfather

Last night was a very powerful night.

I was able to get out of work early yesterday for the ceremony, so Michael and I were able to arrive at the lodge at 4:30PM. I was somewhat concerned about the rain, which had been pouring down for most of the day, but the lightened to a drizzle by the time we got there to make the fire.

Michael was the firekeeper, and laid the first logs. We all went around to lay down the rocks. Over the next couple hours we sat around and talked out there by the fire with the rain drizzling down. Some people brought out drums and it was a wonderful community time.

I brought some pictures and copies of some writings my grandfather did, as well as some herbs and 3 Runestones for the alter set up just outside the lodge.

To my delight , and Bob showed up to share the evening with us. It meant so much to have friends come along, I’d been so worried that no one would. In addition to these 3 friends, 6 people from our shaman class showed up for the ceremony, which was really wonderful. There was a total of 12 of us when it was ready to get in the lodge at 7PM.

Michael brought the rocks in for the lodge and brought the rocks from door of the lodge to the inside. During the lodge I was asked to share things about my Grandfather. To my surprise this all came very easily, I had been somewhat concerned about I’d be too quiet or speak too quickly, but Michael said I did fine. Another woman in the lodge also shared about her grandfather, which I felt was very powerful and beneficial to the entire lodge.

When the lodge ended we had the usual potluck dinner. Michael and I brought cheese and bread, which were simple things that my grandfather enjoyed. I laid out some of my grandfather’s papers for people to look at, and went through them with a couple people, which prompted comments like “Is there a great book somewhere among these papers just waiting to be published” to which I could only reply “Perhaps!”

We left around 10PM. It was a good night.

Note: I hope to write a more in depth account of this over on shaman.princessleia.com when I have a chance to devote the time it deserves.