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Busy Holiday Weekend

Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, I spent the morning working on PrincessLeia.com. I had been saying I’d redo the CSS and convert it all to PHP for a very long time, but I was never motivated enough until now. I was able to get a majority of the site moved over to PHP that morning, so now each page has:

<Title variable defined in PHP>
<Link to standard Header>
<Link to standard Footer>

The pages exempt from this are ones that have their own navigation and style – sites unto themselves, like some of our vacation photos, the Star Wars sections and such, I haven’t quite decided how to tackle these, if I will at all.

As I mentioned previously, I’m using apache rewrite rules so that when someone goes to the .html page that was removed it automatically sends them to the .php page.

This is all very good, I am able to change the look of most of the site with simple changes in CSS and/or header/footer changes. I hope this will be the last overhaul of the site for a long time. It’ll be so much easier to maintain.

Yesterday evening I finished up the work on this, and with a small change in a CSS file set the theme of the whole site for Christmas. Yay!

After the website stuff on Thanksgiving, we headed over to Michael’s mothers. I didn’t want to stay long, as I knew I had a busy weekend ahead of me, but these family things always manage to take a while. We spent from about 4-7PM at Michael’s mother’s enjoying Thanksgiving dinner with her and Michael’s brother’s family. Then we headed over to Michael’s brother’s new house that they had just moved into, spent a couple hours there. By 9PM I was really dragging and we finally headed home.

Friday morning Michael wasn’t feeling well, so I ended up going to the Medicine Wheel and 12 Steps workshop in Malvern by myself. This was the first time I’d ever done anything there without Michael, so it was sort of weird, but also a good thing. The class lasted from 9AM until 5PM.

At 5PM I gave a call to let her know I was still up for coming over if she wanted me to. ‘s linux geek friend Matti (I hope I didn’t just butcher the spelling of that!) was in town from Boston, and I do love meeting more geek chicks, but keep managing to miss her when she’s down. So I headed over to Bae’s and met up with all of them. We ended up driving to Kennett Square for the best Mexican in the area. I had a really nice time, Matti is a cool chick. By 9:30 we were back at Bae’s house and I decided to head home and go to bed.

Saturday it was day 2 of the workshop in Malvern. It was a long day, after the class itself ended at 5PM we had a sweat lodge. It was after 9PM by the time I was on the road to come home.

Sunday was the final day of the workshop, it went from 9AM until 4PM, and at 4 they had the weekly Crystal Bowl Healing session, which I decided to stay for since I had planned on being there until 5PM anyway and had never attended a session. It was an interesting experience, but didn’t really do much for me, I think I fell asleep during part of it. At 5PM I headed home.

In all, the workshop was very good, and I’ll have to talk more about it when the knowledge has settled a bit. There is a lot going on in my brain right now.

Michael was feeling better when I got home Sunday evening, had made chili for dinner (yum!). I puttered around most of the evening, but was too tired to get any real work done. I kept getting distracted – “I should update my site for xmas.. with christmas tree clipart.. christmas trees! we should get our christmas tree this week I should check the budget to see how much we can spend… hey I need to balance the check book… why do I have this clipart book out again?” After a few cycles of this I gave up and went to zone out to some TV.

In all, a very productive long weekend, I’m glad I did everything I did, but I’m really looking forward to some relaxing time after work this week.