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The absurdity of it all aside, the daylight savings time change has never really “bothered” me. Until now.

Maybe it comes with age?

Maybe it is because I’m on a more normal sleep schedule?

Maybe it’s not the time change at all?

Whatever it is, I’m sure feeling weird this week.

Not really a weird I can put my finger on either. I’m not depressed, not particularly unmotivated, not restless, haven’t had a problem sleeping, not feeling moody, not tired.

I’m just… disconnected.

I think what I need is some meditation and quiet time. That’s not happening tonight though, we have many good plans!

During my lunch break I’m headed to Michaels to pick up some Rigid Wrap plaster cloth and other decorating stuff for the masks we need to make for our Shaman class on Saturday. October went by too quickly, this class came up fast.

At 7PM tonight we’ll be meeting with a minister to discuss wedding stuff, see if he’s the right type of person to marry us. I have high hopes, he was recommended to us by someone we really respect and has done many non-christian weddings.

When we get home we’ll have to get going on the masks since they generally take 24 hours to dry before you can decorate them, and they’ll have to be ready for decorating Friday night.

But then after all that decorating on Friday I’ll have some quiet time! Michael spent the evening on Tuesday cleaning up the Magic Room above the garage, putting down some carpets and bringing a bit of furniture and some blankets up there. I haven’t gotten a chance to enjoy the fruits of his labor, but he tells me it’s a wonderful place to go and reconnect.