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I had a mostly good weekend.

Saturday was spent at our Shaman class. A lot of interesting subjects were touched upon, it turned out to be quite an enjoyable meeting.

We came home and were feeling somewhat restless. While we were sitting around the livingroom trying to figure out what to do I took a look in the fishtank to find the yellow angelfish (it’s always hiding and I look for it often) – only to discover that it was dead! Oh no! This was quite a shock, it was always quite a runt and never ate much but there was no indication that it was sick %( Poor fishie.

We decided just to head to the video store and pick up a couple movies. I’d never seen “Naked Gun” (yeah I’m a FREAK!) so we got that, and got “Kentucky Fried Movie” since it’s a bit of a comedy cult classic and I hadn’t seen it. We also picked up a case of Hopdevil and a pizza and some wings on our way home.

The evening turned out to be nice and relaxing. I didn’t even end up having any beer. I got tired around 10:30 and went to bed. Michael spent the night doing his radio show.

Sunday was more productive. I got up at 7:30 spent the morning puttering around on my computer as usual. When Michael got up around 11:30 (he’d been up past 4AM for his radio show) I headed outside to get to work on the yard.

I was able to finally tackle my gardens, chopping down all the dead flowers so it was back to just mulch and ready for winter. Then it was time to clean up leaves. The leaves are still falling, I should have taken pictures of the leaves falling there were so many each time the wind blew. I got to try out the new attachment for the leave blower/mulcher that puts leaves directly into a garbage can rather than the small bag that it comes with. This was very nice. When Michael joined me he got out the lawn mower (which also mulches) and we worked together to get piles together and mulch. We spent about 4 hours out there.

I was tired at the end.

For dinner I made some veggie burgers and fries, and finally got to enjoy a beer. We finished watching “Kentucky Friend Movie” and then watched The West Wing. The West Wing was horrible, it was their “live debate episode” which was – you guessed it – a live debate. I am already quite well-versed in this country’s politics, and watching fictional characters debate today’s issues was strange. Not only strange, but stupid. It’s like the show has become the director’s private podium for political comment, and that’s really not what the show was originally about, the actual issues used to be secondary to the characters and engaging plot. ARG!

Now it’s Monday. This evening we’re meeting with another ordained minister, she was recommended by someone we really respect too, so I am hopeful that it will go well.