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More stuff I’ve been up to

I’ve had a lot on my mind lately, but nothing I want to complain about in public. I think I’m mostly just being moody anyway.

Tuesday I went out to dinner with . We tried a Mexican place in Collegeville which turned out to be pretty lousy. Not “makes me sick” lousy, but “gee, I could have made this at home” lousy. Plus, their guacamole had big chunks of onion in it, what’s up with that? It’s so hard to find a good Mexican place around here, the closest one that’s any good is one that and bring me to in Kennett Square, and that’s about an hour from home.

The food aside, it was good meeting up with . We’ve both been so busy lately and I enjoyed finally sitting down for a couple hours and catching up.

Last night was our Wednesday night Shaman class. We almost didn’t go because it was raining and Michael was tired from work. But we did go, and I’m glad. I was surprised that only about half the group showed up, but it turned out to be a nice night anyway. I got to talk about my whole “using shaman techniques to address my fear of birds” thing. Later in the evening we were paired off to work on some journeying stuff and I ended up as a partner to the bird expert of the group, who was very much interested in my phobia, and helping me get past it. I had a good night.

Tonight and tomorrow night we don’t have real plans, yay! It’ll be nice to relax. We haven’t really decided on anything for Saturday, and Sunday is packed, with the PhillyChix-DC LinuxChix meeting, and then running home to spend some time with friends from online who are visiting.

My boss brought in english muffins and Shedd’s Spread Country Crock Cinnamon, which is like a butter stuff with cinnamon that looks a bit like peanut butter with spots. I figured I wouldn’t be breaking my healthy eating habits by enjoying some of that with my oatmeal. I couldn’t help but feel incredibly lazy though, it’s just spread with lots of cinnamon mixed in. It was good though, cinnamon is yummie!