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Plans (Wedding and LUG)

First, and most important, we chose a minister for our wedding! We’ll be going with the woman we met Monday evening, El Sybesma. We sent her the deposit for her services yesterday.

We also contacted the owners of The Castle in Maryland to discuss pricing for our little wedding, and they had no problem working out very reasonable rate. We’ll be sending out our deposit tomorrow.

We picked a date too, in October of 2006. But I’m keeping the exact day secret until the plans for our location are solidified, which will be sometime next week. Besides, it wouldn’t be fair to tell the whole world before personally telling the people we’re inviting ;)

This feels so real now.

A few weeks back there was a thread on the PLUG list about starting a northern-suburbs-of-philly LUG. I haven’t had a lot of time time for mailing lists lately, but this sparked my interest.

I want more local friends.

But I’m a geek. I don’t go to bars, I don’t feel like I really connect with most people I work with. I’ve already found a few local friends using the internet. Getting involved with a local LUG seemed to be the most logical thing to do.

So when the interest in a local LUG seemed to be fizzling out due to lack of organization I hopped on the BCLUG list and started working with some people to make plans for a meeting.

It feels so good to get something like this going, and it takes surprisingly little time to organize if you know what you’re doing. The plan now is alternating between Montgomery County and Bucks County meetings, perhaps setting up a website for each (bclug.org exists, and the montcolug.org is bought but not yet live), but a shared mailing list.

I made a logo for the Montco LUG part.

Montco LUG

We’ll see how it goes, I understand the dynamics of small LUGs and how difficult it can be to keep people interested. Our first meeting is this upcoming Monday the 14th at Borders in Montgomeryville, details here.