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Sober X at work

I was at work on Tuesday and a woman came over to our department (she only came over to our department because she went to EVERY department, we’re just A/P and have nothing to do with her email problems).

“I got an email from the government, I’m not sure what I should do. Do you think it could be real? Should I call someone?” She was telling everyone, quite concerned

“It’s a spam or a virus, don’t open it, delete it,” I automatically advised.

“But what if it’s real? It’s from the CIA I don’t think I am in any sort of trouble, but shouldn’t I tell someone?”

“You can tell IT if you want, since it’s probably just a virus or spam. If you were in trouble the CIA wouldn’t contact you via email,” I said.

She wasn’t convinced, talked about it all day. On Wednesday she got another and called IT around the time that the news had started coming in about Sober X.

I think this is one of the most amusing things about working in a normal office. When you work so far detatched from “normal users” as I have in the past, it’s sometimes hard to believe that there are so many people out there that would fall for these and cause the continued spread of them. But now I see how worked up people get, it’s very interesting, and sad how virus spreaders are able to prey on ignorance and fear.