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Stuff, wedding site, brewpub

I’m having a lazy day. It feels so good.

Thursday evening we didn’t have plans. I spent a bunch of time in the evening organizing my email, which I do every couple of months when my inbox exceeds 300 messages. I had known about tagging in mutt, but this was the first time I used it to organize my email – what a difference! Tags are great. I also started putting together an .addressbook, after talking to about mutt addressbooks on Tuesday, or more specifically the fact that I don’t have one and that’s WEIRD! I guess it is weird, whenever I want to email soemone I search my email for the last time I cooresponded with them and grab their address.

Friday night , and came over for movie night. After getting pizza we spent time being indecisive about what we wanted to watch, and eventually the guys turned on Dune and and I went off to the kitchen to talk. I hadn’t really intended for the talk to turn into a big heart to heart discussion about our families, but it did and I’m glad I had a bottle of Slivovitz by my side! I don’t think I realized how badly I needed to talk about things, so much has been on my mind lately, is such a great friend to talk to %D

Needless to say I got pretty Slivovitzed (hah!). It was all good though, I had a nice evening.

I’m not hungover today, I managed to drink many glasses of water before going to bed. I spent the morning doing website updates, added a Wedding Plans section to my site, so I won’t have to repeat these deails when I post new things about our plans here. the sari I have as an example on that page is a very nice one, seen here it’s made of silk, and even with the “Swarovski crystals” on it it’s only $200 ($135 without). I don’t think I’ll ever stop being amazed at these prices, I can’t believe I almost went the traditional route and settled for a basic dress with a $500 price tag.

I also spent some time working on WallaceAndGromit.net. I’m somewhat glad the crazy movie release time is over, it’s fun to update it again.

Now I should go take a shower. Michael and I are going to try out Crabby Larry’s Brewpub Steak & Crab House this afternoon. Seafood + Brewpub = happy !