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Caligula Christmas

Enough about people Christmas, what everyone really wants to see is cute cat Christmas pictures.

Caligula started the day with a nap on my lap.

Christmas nap on my lap

In the late morning both Caligula and Michael were finally awake, so it was present time! As to be expected, Caligula got lots of toys. This is the best time of year to get him toys because there are so many Christmas ones, and his favorite color is red.[lj-cut]

3 bags of red and green mice!

fetch red mouse
He played fetch with one of the red mice for a bit

green mouse from b2s and bae
Green catnip mouse from and

The most popular toy was a goofy-looking, round, red mouse with a party hat on a string. I was unsure of how he’d react, since it had a muffled bell inside and he generally doesn’t like bells, but we were pleasantly surprised! He went nuts over it!

bat red mouse on string
You can see what the toy looks like here

attacking red mouse on string
Attacking the red mouse toy, you can also see his new catnip-filled chili in this picture

And finally, we shot a little movie: Caligula playing with red mouse toy! (3.9M)[/lj-cut]