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Maine Vacation Part 1

I’m currently sitting at this desk at Bob and Morgana’s house in Oxford, Maine.

We’re on vacation! So far it’s been great.

On Monday Michael was sick, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him as sick as he was that day. Something he ate? Just a stomach bug? We had to alter our “getting ready to leave” plans, I ended up running a bunch of errands and instead of going down to Michael’s mother to drop off Caligula and take her out to dinner she drove up here and I went with her to a new Chinese place down the street from our house (good Chinese btw, we should keep it in mind for movie night). Michael got out of bed shortly after his mother and I returned from dinner, we opened the presents that she brought over for us – the gem of which was a very nice breadmaker which we’ll both be writing about once we try it for the first time.

Tuesday morning I got out of bed at 6am, showered and checked on how Michael was feeling. Luckily he was feeling quite a bit better and ready for the drive up to Maine. I was glad of this, since we couldn’t change our B&B reservations. The drive up was uneventful. We left at 8AM, stopped for lunch at a little town in New York state where I got a yummie chicken sandwich and Michael ate some soup. We arrived at the bed and breakfast shortly after 6PM, where crackers and cheese, a jacuzzi tub, a fireplace and a wonderfully comfortable room awaited us.

the Lakehouse
The Lakehouse (photo shamelessly swiped from lakehousemaine.com)

Grand Ballroom Suite
Grand Ballroom Suite where we stayed (photo also shamelessly swiped from lakehousemaine.com)

We didn’t actually manage to take any photos ourselves while we were there – we were that lazy.

Cheese and crackers ended up being our dinner that night, we enjoyed the jacuzzi tub and fireplace, and as the evening wore on we crashed on the bed and watched some Law & Order.

Wednesday morning we got up to enjoy a bacon and cheese omelette (yum!) and a nicely prepared pear. It was quite filling, and luckily Michael was close to feeling 100% well. When the innkeepers asked what our plans were for the day, I happily said “Nothing!” We spent the entire day in the room, watching movies, reading, snuggling, eating chocolates, drinking wine. It wasn’t until the early evening that we needed to go somewhere to find food, as the Lakehouse isn’t open for dinners this time of year. We headed up to Bethel, about 30 minutes from the B&B in Waterford, for dinner at the Sudbury Inn.

The Sudbury Inn was busy! Finding parking was a bit of a trick. The place was filled with skiing snobs and their loud children *groan* I will blame the lousy service and screwing up the order on how busy they were, they offered us free dessert for the screwup. The food was good though, dessert was delightfully decadant, and I got to enjoy my first Allagash White on tap! I had an Allagash Tripel back in PA a few months ago and was quite impressed, the white wasn’t as good, but it was neat getting it from the tap.

When we got back to the B&B, finished the bottle of wine, hopped in the jacuzzi tub for a bit and just chilled out. Such a great day!

Thursday morning we got up, had breakfast of grapefruit, sausage and french toast. We checked out around 9:30 and headed to Freeport to go to L.L. Bean. L.L. Bean was quite busy, I should have expected that right after Christmas, they were having their annual winter sale. We each picked up a couple shirts, I got a very nice winter coat to replace the old one I have now which keeps losing buttons. After L.L Bean we headed to a used bookstore on Route 1, a great place with tons of local stuff (I was very tempted to buy the $20 book on Cape Elizabeth from 1970), I ended up leaving after just picking up a 100 year old swedish-english pocket dictionary that I thought Morgana would enjoy.

Around 12:30 we arrived at the Muddy Rudder in Yarmouth, slightly early for our 1:00 reservations, but they seated us so we could wait for the others to show up. The others were one of the only friends I keep in contact with from High Schoool, Leslie and my sister Heather. It was a great lunch, a lot of catching up to be done even though we read each other’s journals. It was great to see Leslie, and with Heather moving up to Canada in May I’m not sure when the next chance to see her will be. I got to have the lobster pie that I love so much (and have dreams about and was the REAL reason for this trip! *g*). The waitress was nice enough to take a picture of us.

Leslie, Heather, Lyz, Michael
From left: Leslie, Heather, Lyz, Michael

We left the restaurant around 3PM and headed to Morgana and Bob’s place, got here a little after 4. Morgana made a nice meat dish which we enjoyed with wine while watching 40 Year Old Virgin. Morgana also made banana bread and we had some of Michael’s oatmeal chocolate coconut cookies. After dinner we hit the computers, did some reading of journals and checking email, a good end to the evening.

Today is another do nothing day. Yippee!