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What have I been up to these past few days?

On Wednesday we had Kathleen and Barbara over from the Shaman class. They’re both really great people, and since they said they’d be in the area doing some shopping at Dreamcatcher we thought we’d all get together. Michael cooked dinner, and after some initial panic (“oh no! we didn’t ask if they ate meat!”) the evening went very well. It was nice to get to talk to them in a different environment.

Thursday was the last day of work before this 11 day vacation I’m now enjoying. On my way to work I swung by the bank to pay the mortgage. At work I was really busy all day, my boss was somewhat amused by how many calls and emails I was getting, and offered to help me out since she didn’t have a whole lot to do. It was all good though. I was able to schedule a long lunch so I could hop over to the nail place and get my nails done, which offered a nice break from the work day. After work I got the car washed, stopped at the grocery store for a couple things, stopped at the gas station to fill up the car with gas and headed home to wrap a few presents. Around 7:30 and showed up, and soon after arrived. Movie night! Movie night was fun, we watched The Princess Bride, which we had all seen, but enjoyed enough to watch again. We had pizza and Michael’s homebrew, some eggnog. I managed to stay up past 1am, which surprised me after the day I had.

Yesterday morning I spent some time talking with our buddy Grifter about mplayer codecs, it turns out the “essential codecs package” from the mplayer site these days includes quicktime and realplayer stuff, so my Debian mplayer how-to could be vastly simplified. Now it just installs the essentials package and the live.com stuff for streaming. Then I pretty much reviewed and updated the entire thing, tested it, and launched the new version of the how-to. Yay![lj-cut]

In the afternoon I finally got showered and headed over the ‘s place. She recently had a surgery and isn’t very mobile, poor thing %( The traffic getting there was horrendous, but it was worth it, we had a nice time. We got to talk a lot, play with her cats, order some food from a local pizza place (which was good, I’ll have to poke her for the name so maybe next time we have movie night in that area we can order from them instead of Papa Johns). She introduced me to HBO’s The Wire, which was pretty good, I’d like to see more. I went home around 6, shortly after came home from shopping.

Traffic coming home wasn’t so bad. Once home, I spent the evening drinking eggnog+vodka – yum! And puttering around on my computer. A friend of ours sent us The 40 Year Old Virgin, which I expected to be horrible, the previews I saw for it led me to believe it would be full of tasteless virgin jokes and insulting the type of people who remain virgins. But I was pleasantly surprised, it did knock on nerds (“women don’t want to see your mint condition in box action figures!” ..hey I’m a woman who HAS mint condition in box action figures! *mutter*), but it did so in a gentle way and Steve Carell is a funny guy.

Today the plan is to stay in our pajamas until we need to get cleaned up and head over to Michael’s Uncle’s house for the Christmas Eve. They always have a 7 fish dinner, yum![/lj-cut]