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Meeting boilerbonehead, good times, and Wallace and Gromit sweater!

I’m sitting here in our TV room with my laptop, a beer, the new sweater that a friend of ours knitted for me and Star Wars on the TV. Could I ask for more?

Friday night we held movie night. The usual crew of , and came over and we were joined by , who had spent the day driving up from North Carolina. We watched The 40 Year Old Virgin and ordered some pizza. The night went too quickly though, it was midnight before I knew it and people had to head out. and I stayed up talking until a little after 1, when he decided to leave so he could get to his hotel in Center City.

This morning we mostly just chilled out, made plans with at Sly Fox for lunch, which was great. We got a picture (even if it’s not the best one ever).

After lunch Michael and I headed back home. I spent the afternoon reading and Michael was outside splitting wood. It was a beautiful day out, we even turned off the heat and opened a couple windows, which sure made Caligula happy.

Around 4 we headed over to see our friends Barry and Rae. When we got there Rae said she had a couple gifts for me. Gifts? Apparently Michael knew about it, one of Rae’s biggest hobbies is knitting and she actually knitted me a Wallce and Gromit sweater! Oh my gosh!

I’m wearing it right now, it’s so snuggly warm! Caligula seems to like it too, he keeps trying to snuggle with me (but I have a laptop on my lap, silly kitty!). Also, when they were in Ireland recently they found a Wallace and Gromit watch – I should take a picture of that too, it’s adorable %D They rock!

We ended up going out to Houlihan’s for dinner, and afterwards headed over to Barry and Rae’s house to hang out until about 10.

And that leaves me here, it’s almost 1AM now, I’m gonna have a glass of water and go to bed.