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Returning to Healthy Habits – 3 Month Update

Back on October 19th I wrote an entry with the subject Returning to Healthy Habits. There was tons of good advice in the comments. The entry has been very helpful getting me on the right track and knowing what bad habits I need to target and deal with.

Now that the holidays are over I think it’s up for an update on how I’m doing.[lj-cut]

The good news is that I have been very restrained when it comes to the sugary snacks at work, which I’m quite proud of because there were so many around the office during the holidays (and the holidays won’t end! There are still new boxes of chocolates and candies every day!). I haven’t been buying soda at all at work, just drinking water, tea and coffee. There has been no prolonged stress or depression that makes me want to run to food for comfort. And Michael has been cooking so we’ve been having more healthy meals and fewer “I’m too tired lets go out/get take out” evenings. Best of all, because of these changes my stomach hasn’t been bothering me lately and I haven’t put on any more weight in these past 3 months.

The bad news? Pennsylvania Breweries 3rd Edition, By Lew Bryson, need I say more? The holidays – I might have been well-behaved at work, but I seriously indulged when we went on vacation. I’m still tired a lot, I think this is also a carry over from the vacation, it’s easy to get used to being lazy. I haven’t developed any exercise routine, and since it’s winter now I haven’t been able to take walks at lunchtime, so I’m less active than I was when I wrote that entry on October 19th! I also have no good snacking/meal/grazing routine in place yet. I started bringing fruit to work, this went well for a few weeks, but then I just wasn’t eating it, and didn’t resume the practice after I came back from vacation.

So here’s the plan:

Establish snacking/meal/grazing routine – review suggestions from October entry, experiment a bit.

Stop being so lazy and start doing some sort of exercise. I’ll start simple with situps and pushups and hit up on his offer to let me borrow his DDR mat to see how I like it.

Keep all drinking to weekends – the brewery exploring thing is very fun, I am not going to commit to giving it up. But I can quell the temptation to have a yummie ale or a glass of wine with dinner on a Tuesday.

We’ll see how I’m doing in another 3 months.[/lj-cut]