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Sunday, “sushi” and stuff I puttered around with this evening

Yesterday was a pretty mellow Sunday, it rained pretty much all day.

I went out and got my haircut, did some grocery shopping, made some veggie burgers for dinner and finished off the last bit of our final Victory growler. Then we watched the next bit of Bleak House on PBS.

Today was a beautiful day, and of course I was stuck inside at work. I did manage to get out during lunch to run some errands, had the car windows open and it was so refreshing. Car windows open in January – madness!

When I got home Michael was in the kitchen making a sushi-like dinner, you can see pictures and grab the recipe in his entry here (CaligulaWantsNow.jpg makes me laugh, he looks so evil begging for fish).Perhaps needless to say it was a very good dinner.

Tonight I spent some time reading COYOTEWAY: A Navajo Holyway Healing Ceremonial for our shaman class. It’s very interesting, but I doubt I’ll finish it before class on Saturday, and i really should copy it into a terminal so I can read it as white on black – much kinder to the eyes than the website itself. Too bad the book is out of print and so hard to find, I am not the biggest fan of reading things as long as books on my computer screen *itches eyes*

I wanted to spend some time making my desktop on my laptop prettier, it’s mostly just the default that comes with Ubuntu. But I got side-tracked after reading one of ‘s posts that mentioned the new Opera browser – and then OF COURSE I had to install it. It’s really neat that Opera’s linux download page lets you choose binaries for lots of different distros, I was able to download a .deb for Breezy Badger (which had “etch” in the filename so I assume it’s the same one as for Debian Etch). Opera 8.51 seems pretty nice, it launches faster than Firefox on this old laptop and uses less resources once running, both very important. Once I bound opening new tabs to alt t (rather than default of alt n) I started getting pretty comfy. We’ll see how it goes.

Now I am very tired. Bedtime.