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Bad Dream

I had the creepiest dream last night.

Michael and I were living in a large house on a lake, we had a dock and friends would come over all the time to use it for their small boats and swimming.

I came home after being out and when I walked into the house Michael was very upset. He told me that a close friend of mine had been swimming outside that afternoon and went missing. He said she was probably caught in the undertow that was very bad about 15 feet from the dock, and was pulled under.

For whatever reason, I decided to go out and investigate by jumping into the area where the undertow was bad. I was immediately pulled down to the bottom of the lake, and stuck in the mud. I struggled but couldn’t move. Then my dead friend walked past me, her skin was rotted and her hair was green.

Then I woke up.

That image of that dead woman (not someone I actually know) walking on the bottom of the lake stuck with me all morning. *shivers*