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blabbering about my weight like a girl

Earlier today I was walking through the office when a woman I work with stopped me and said “You look good, have you lost some weight?” This is the third time in the past week someone has said that, yippee!

We don’t own a scale, partially because I don’t want to get wacky obsessive about weight loss, but I knew I had lost some. Michael said he could tell, and last week I was easily able fit into the pants I wore when I started doing the office job thing in September of 2004.

It’s actually pretty surprising that I was able to lose enough that people are noticing, since it’s only slight diet changes that I’ve made (not starving myself), and I’m still not exercising like I should be.

I’ve been really good at avoiding bad snacks around the office. I’m only eating when I’m hungry (no more “it’s time to eat $meal because that’s what you’re supposed to do at $time) and sticking to smaller portions. I have granola bars, instant oatmeal and fresh apples at my desk for when I get hungry. I enjoy a fairly light lunch (but not too light, salads make me hungry too quick). Dinner hasn’t changed at all, but Michael and I eat pretty healthy anyway.

I haven’t backed off enjoying myself while eating out, when we go to a brewpub I drink the beer and enjoy something delicious and packed with fat and calories – perhaps even eating a dessert! But this is maybe once a week and it satisfies my cravings for all that bad stuff.

I’m still not down to my “look-hot-in-wedding-dress” target, but I am feeling good enough about myself to start shopping for dresses. Getting into an exercise routine and having the weather get nicer so I can take walks at lunch again will be important, as I know these first few pounds I lost are the easy ones.