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Danger Mouse and WP Upgrade Stuff

Danger MouseLast night we had some friends over for movie night, and we all sat around and watched Danger Mouse.

I hadn’t seen Danger Mouse in years and seeing the cartoons I loved when I was litte now continually disappoints me. So I didn’t expect much from Danger Mouse, just another thing to get nostalgic about but not actually enjoy anymore.

But I was wrong about Danger Mouse. Afterall, he’s the ace. He’s amazing. He’s the strongest, he’s the quickest, he’s the best!

The show is punny and delightful to watch.

This morning I finally upgraded WordPress on my journal, it’s now running 2.0.1. I was very pleased with how simple the upgrade was.

I’m not terribly happy with the state of LiveJournal plugins for WordPress. I used Live+Press for a little bit, but recently just went back to manually posting in both places. When I upgraded today I asked Michael what he was using to cross post and he pointed me at LJXP but my lj user tags wouldn’t show up. I don’t need all the bells and whistles that came with Live+Press, but I do love those silly lj user tags.

And that’s what I spent 3 hours working on this evening. I learned a few things about WordPress2, the first being that the WYSIWYG editor is useless for someone like me and should have disabled it as soon as I upgraded. After reviewing bits of the LJXP script I discovered that the WYSIWYG eats the lj user tag – it had nothing to do with LJXP! ARG! As a side note, I have to point out that I use wp-ljtags.php to display the tags on WP, very simple and still works like a charm on WP2.

I commented all $postHeader stuff in LJXP, since I don’t want a big blurb at the top of every post announcing that it was “Originally posted on PrincessLeia.com blahblahbal.” And all the poking of PHP I did for the LJ thing helped me in the next step of the project – cross posting to Xanga. Now, I abandoned my Xanga journal in 2004 because I liked LiveJournal better and didn’t have time to manually cross post, but there is this plugin now to post from WordPress to Xanga. It’s buggy, doesn’t properly “update” or “delete” posts, but since I do all my editing in vim I don’t really need to edit my entries via the wordpress interface unless I discover a mistake after posting. Well, since I’m using an lj user tag, Xanga won’t understand it. So I wrote the following to have Xanga Crossposter convert lj user to a simple clickable link to the person’s LJ.

# Change lj user tag into link
$content = preg_replace(‘[<lj user=\”?(.+)\”?>]’, ‘<a href=”http://www.livejournal.com/users/\1/”>\1</a>’, $content)


We’ll see how things go over the next few weeks, but I’m hopeful that it’ll all work well. Oh, and just so I don’t feel like I wasted my day and didn’t even use my new tools, here’s an lj user tag: !