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Emo and Evil

I’m feeling very “emo” this week; I wish I owned some good drama films that would make me cry. Maybe I’ll find someone to drag along to Brokeback Mountain Friday night.

I think I’ll blame the weather, my lack of projects and President Bush on this mood.

It was one of the warmest Januarys on record, and I really pine for those frigid winter days. I heard one woman in the office complain this morning how it was cold out and I idly wondered what winters she is used to, since it was in the 40s this morning. I want cold, I want snow, and I want to wear my pretty new winter coat damn it!

The lack of projects thing I can actually do something about, I think it would solve my warm winter woes if I were absorbed in something at home. But what? Nothing has really jumped out at me lately, and for the first time in a long time my To-Do list is short, only including regular maintenance stuff.

It’s Bush’s fault because I listened to part of the State of the Union last night and it annoyed me. I did the usual annoyed eye rolling until he got to the first (only?) time he used the world “evil” in the speech and I rolled over in bed and stopped listening. I hate when he uses the word “evil” to describe his enemies. And that got me thinking about my views on “evil” in general and I realized that I don’t know what I really think. It was a subject during one of our shaman classes, but I couldn’t quite pin it down there either. Whatever my definition ends up being, I know it won’t include people who believe they are doing Right.