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Lousy mood Friday and Shaman class on Saturday

I haven’t been in the mood for writing much, that emo mood I wrote about on Wednesday stuck with me through Friday. I never ended up making plans with anyone Friday night and Michael was at the men’s sweat lodge. Once I got home from work I realized that it was probably too late to make any plans, since people wouldn’t get here until 8ish, and I’d have to kick them out around 11 because I needed sleep for the Shaman class Saturday morning.

So instead I headed over to Moccia’s Pizza and got some chicken fingers and fries, along with a 6-pack of Yuengling Black & Tan. Greasy food and beer in hand, I sat down in front of my computer and chatted with (who was similarly eating pizza and drinking) and the rest of the folks in #13thHour. We had fun.

Looking back, Friday would have been classified as a good day if not for my mood. The weather was unseasonably warm again and I went for a nice long walk during lunch. During the walk I stopped into the thrift store to check out the books, there were a bunch of scifi books and I picked up about a dozen. When I got home from work there was a check from a recent contract job and a letter from my pen pal in England in my mailbox. Much good stuff and yet I was still mopey!

Saturday we went to the shaman class. Jim had some guests there to teach us, John Cooke who is a native american a Presbyterian minister, and his friend Owen Owens, a retired Baptist Minister. They had a very interesting presentation that was about a Native American healing ceremony. The ceremony was captured in the book COYOTEWAY: A Navajo Holyway Healing Ceremonial, which is out of print but you can read most of it online with many more pictures than the book had. John Cooke was the Navajo interpreter for the ceremony captured in the book and had much to say about the ceremony and how universal it is.

Late in the day we were having a break and Owen asked me what I was thinking about since I “was so quiet” and he likes to know where everyone is coming from. Of course I’m always quiet, and told him so, and then explained that I’m an atheist and am trying to come to terms with the God stuff they were presenting. He reflected upon this and we had a nice little discussion about it, it was refreshing to talk to a Minister (and a Baptist one at that!) without the judgmental vibes I usually get from such people. Eventually we started talking about books and he suggested I read Ishmael: An Adventure of the Mind and Spirit by Daniel Quinn, I think this is one I’ll grab from the library.

Today we don’t have any plans, Michael just informed me that he wants to make french toast and omelettes for breakfast – yum!

I think I’m done being emo.