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apt and trees

I am in a terrible mood today :\

I don’t think there is a particular reason for this mood, but the catalyst was probably waking up with a sinus headache. I don’t want it to be allergy season already.

Last night I was doing some upgrades and installing some pretty basic packages on my primary workstation and apt blew up. It’s now got dependancy errors and is stuck with what seems to be a conflict between xorg and xfree. I can’t start x, in fact, the program “startx” is gone. Arg. I messed with it some this morning and got nowhere. I’m very much annoyed that this happened now, after having a perfectly running system for 9 months, right when I’m doing work that requires a properly functioning Debian system. I’m hopeful that the solution actually is a simple one that I just didn’t see this morning with my headachey head. If not, I hope there will be some Debian people around this evening whose brains I can pick for ideas on how to fix this.

Stupid computers.

I just got back from taking a 25 minute walk, it’s nice out and I thought it would good to clear my head. There is a building near our office that had these huge beautiful dogwood trees that bloom around now, and I always love walking under them. They’re gone now. Probably got too big for the urban redevelopment program or whatever crap they have going on in Lansdale (wow, see? bad mood). No doubt they’ll be replaced with shrubs or something. This crappy mood I’m in had me almost in tears over the loss of these trees.

Ok, done complaining now. Stupid moods x_X