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Coffee, Tea and Caffeine

I’m an American, Americans drink coffee. I started drinking it in my late teens when I was working 3rd shift in a store, it helped through some of those long nights.

Throughout my adult life I’ve gone back and forth between being a coffee nut and giving it up completely. I enjoy an herbal tea from time to time, but have never been interested in caffeinated teas, until now.

I’ve been examining my whole diet lately, and I love to have a hot drink in the morning. Lately it’s been a nice mixture of coffee (reg or decaf, depending on the day) and hot chocolate that our coffee machine spits out, I don’t need to add cream or sugar to it. It’s good, but it doesn’t make me feel the greatest when I drink that last gulp that’s particularly chocolatey. Perhaps this chocolate in the morning is not so good? I started exploring creamers and artificial sweeteners at work. We have Splenda and Equal at work and powdered creamers. I decided that Splenda is and OK sweetener that won’t kill me, but the powdered creamers are terrible. I looked at real creamers that I could buy at the store, but upon comparing “nutrition” facts I might as well stick to my chocolate coffee drink.

I could just drink it black, but, ew.

So on Monday morning I skipped the coffee, grabbed a Lipton tea bag and made myself a cup of tea. No sugar. No cream.

You know what? It’s not bad! In fact, it’s something I could get quite used to. Yesterday morning I enjoyed a cup of Lipton tea as well and it was easier to drink. This morning I went for the Earl Grey that our coffee maker here at work can prepare in just a few seconds, it’s yum!

And I feel good after a cup of tea, tea is healthy and light and refreshing in ways that a cup of coffee, cream and sweetener isn’t.

Now I must go through some old posts made by to re-read the tea posts now that I am more interested.