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It’s so nice out today.

I’ve had a nice, productive week. Wednesday morning I was almost to work when I encountered a detour on route 63, the main street of the town I work in. Great. I was late for work because of the increased traffic and I had to hit the backroads that I’m not familiar with. The rest of the day went like that too, problem after problem at work. I remaind was in a surprisingly good mood through it all, everything that happened was out of my control, why worry/get annoyed by it?

That night Michael and I headed over to the Roadhouse Grille in Skippack for their wine and cheese tasting. They do this every Wednesday night and we’d never gone to one. I was happy we did! The wines were excellent, the cheeses were wonderful and strong. After the wine and cheese we had a light dinner and headed home around 9PM. It turned out to be a very nice, relaxing evening.

Yesterday we learned some good news from Verizon (our telephone company). Michael was out taking a walk and apparently stopped to chat for a moment with the Verizon folks working on the phonelines. He asked what they were doing. “Installing Verizon FiOS,” they said. OMG FIBER AT MY HOUSE! Currently we have DCA.net DSL, and pay a reasonable amount for the perks of being able to run servers and have several static IPs. But lately we’ve moved a lot off our connection, we’re no longer running a mail server there, most of the websites have been moved off, and going back to a strictly residential internet connection would not be terrible. The cheapest FiOS business line with a static IP is $100/month, which is pricey but might be worth it if they don’t block ports. We’ll see when it’s actually installed and starts being offered.

On my way to work this morning I encountered a detour, guess which road? Route 63. This was far from the other detour I encountered on Wednesday and completely unrelated, but it was funny that it was the same road making me late for work. I ended up feeling lost on all sorts of crazy back roads with lots of fellow commuters. Just when I started looking for a place to pull over so I could call my boss and tell her I’d be late I popped out in a familiar place and was able to get to work only 10 mintues late. My boss laughed when I told her what happened. Damn that route 63!

I’m not sure what the plan is this evening, I sorta want to stay in, but I sorta want to see people too. We had hoped that our DVDs of Bleak House would be here by now and we could have that for movienight, but apparently the demand for it has overwhelmed WGBH and our copy won’t ship until March 27th. Eep! Still, I asked Michael to swing by Hatboro Beverage to grab me a case of Lindemans Peche Lambic for tonight, with the excuse that I “need to try out my new lambic glasses” that I picked up at the Beer Yard last weekend.

We don’t have solid plans for the weekend either, but the weather has been beautiful so Michael and I might find some place to do some hiking. I’d love to open up The Magic Room too and spend some time up there this weekend.

Mmm happy Friday.