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First day of spring

I read a friend’s blog this morning and she mentioned that Rita’s gives everyone a free regular waterice on the first day of spring. Oooh!

It was snowing on my way to work today, and it’s only 39F outside now, but I wasn’t about to miss a free waterice. After trying unsuccessfully to recruit some co-workers to join me, brushed off the laugh from my boss (“you’re walking? you’re going to freeze!”), I walked to the local Rita’s, which is a little less than a mile from the office.

It was cold :) But now I have my cherry waterice and I’m happy! At least I didn’t have to worry about it melting on the walk back to the office.

Tonight Michael and I are going to PLUG West Linuxbiernacht. We haven’t been to the Drafting Room in far too long, it should be fun.