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Food, mom, Ubuntu-women, misc stuff

I don’t seem to have posted much about my week. I guess most of the weekdays were relatively unimpressive.

I picked up some Stash Fusion Green and White Tea and Twinings Earl Grey on our weekly grocery shopping trip, both of which are great. My tastes certainly have changed a lot in these past few years.

My mother called me on Friday morning while I was at work to ask what kind of cat Caligula is. She was going to a cat show that day with work (I can only assume its this cat show) and wanted to swing by the table where she could see a little Caligula. It was nice of her to call, she called me again Saturday to tell me how beautiful the Egyptian Maus she saw were. Awww!

Friday was St. Patrick’s Day of course, I didn’t have any normal clothes that were green, so I took the rare step of wearing a skirt to work and nobody died of shock ;) After work Michael took me out Ortino’s Northside for dinner and a beer to celebrate my change in position at work and a raise (same job title, different building). For whatever reason they didn’t have any Guinness on tap, and since I’m not fond of it in the bottles or cans I “settled for” a Delirium Tremens. Mmm Delirium Tremens.

Saturday morning we woke up to some scratching in the wall. Caligula was going nuts. Apparently we have mice or chipmunks or something in the wall. Michael climbed up into the attic space above the addition to our house and apparently they got in through the basement, climbed up the wall and have been burrowing through the insulation above our bedroom and made a nest. Living in an old house is so much fun. Michael went out to Lowes and picked up some traps, while I spent the morning doing some cleaning. I rearranged out media (VHS, DVD, some books) closet so it’s looking much better.

In the afternoon we headed out to Max & Ermas for some lunch. I am rarely impressed by chain restaurants, but the Max & Ermas in Oaks, PA always has good service, great food, and Victory Hopdevil on tap. Michael went with the Hopdevil and a Reuben sandwich, but after being so disappointed at not getting my Guinness on Friday night I HAD to go with Guinness. I enjoyed a Roast Beef & Brie Sandwich, which was *perfect* and for dessert we got some of the fresh chocolate chip cookies, mmmm.

I spent most of the rest of the day on the computer working on all sorts of things. I signed up for the ubuntu-women mailing list a couple weeks ago, and found it to be very… “chatty” I guess this is the way many groups start out, just getting a feel for each other, but I really was beginning to wonder if it really was a girls club and not having goals to get women involved in the Ubuntu community. I finally took some time yesterday to visit all the sites/forums/wikis/irc channel associated with it. That’s when I ran into a whole nest of politics – I sent a mail to the list asking what the official site was, and eventually learned that there are two groups that call themselves ubuntu-women, one on the forums/irc/gwos/privately run blog and the other officially endorsed by ubuntu with a mailing list, wiki and domain name. Honestly it seems like a bit of a mess, a lot of energy being pumped into two different outlets, plus the overall confusion of it. It appears that there is a consolidation effort that’s been sparked, but I don’t think I’ll be spending much time with this until it’s resolved. Ah the joys of the projects in the F/OSS world!

In the evening I watched a movie and sat with my laptop. At one point I got up to get something and Caligula stole my spot.

Today I don’t have plans, I should try to knock out all the little things on my todo list. Michael is making some omelettes for breakfast %d