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Friends, Best Buy, Shamanism, Beer and ISOs

Today I will be productive.

Thursday night I was very happy to not have work the next day and spent the evening trying to burn a Debian iso. I booted into Windows to do it, since I haven’t sorted out burning in Linux yet and was very annoyed to discover that whatever burning program I tried failed. I can’t burn a CD in Windows? What is wrong with me? This worked before! I pondered hardware problems and problems with the iso, and in the end just gave up the task very frustrated.

On my day off Friday I cleaned the house and went grocery shopping in the morning. At noon I drove down to visit and . We went out to Bennigan’s for lunch then swung by Best Buy so I could pick up a CD cleaner disk, which suggested might solve my CD burning problems. I hadn’t been in a Best Buy in a long time and had forgotten how annoying checkout is there:

“Do you have a Best Buy card?”
“Because you are shopping here today you’re entitled to get 8 issues of $stupid_magazine for free, are you interested?”
“Your phone number please?”


After that we went back to the apartment and watched a bunch of episodes of The (American) Office. I am a big fan of the original and when watching the pilot of the American one I was miserable – it was awful! So even after they got their own script and people were telling me “it’s great” I didn’t watch it. But they were right and it’s pretty funny. The sense of humor is much different and it feels like an entirely different show, so I can disconnect it from the show I love and enjoy it for what it is. We also watched some episodes of The Colbert Report, which has it’s moments but isn’t as good as The Daily Show. I left to go home around 10:30PM.

Saturday was spent at our shaman class. I “finished” my creation story, and hearing everyone else’s was quite a treat. Of course our homework now is to rewrite the story more in-depth. I’m looking forward to exploring this further.

After the shaman class I suggested we swing by The Beer Yard which was only a few miles from where we have our class. Lew Bryson mentioned it in his PA Brewery book and said it is one of the best distributors in the state. He was absolutely correct, it was like beer heaven! Choosing which beer to take home was very difficult. I ended up getting a case of the Allagash Belgian Style Dubbel. The Allagash is brewed in Portland, Maine (represent!) and they really know how to do their Belgians, I’d tried the Tripel in the past but figured I’d take it easy and go with the Dubbel this time. I’m so excited to have found a distributor around here that sells it, before I either had to go to Maine or hit a good local pub and hope they had it in stock.

Once we got home last night I ordered a couple hoagies from the local pizzeria enjoyed a bottle of Allagash Dubbel and watched some MST3K. I went to bed pretty early.

Today my plans are to hunker down and get some work done. was right about my CD burner just needing a cleaning and I burned a Debian Etch iso and am currently burning an Ubuntu Breezy Badger iso. The plan is to finally install Debian on my laptop, and if I can’t get everything working properly and need my laptop back to a working state I’ll throw a server installation of Ubuntu on it. I’m not sure if I’ll get to it today but at least I have the disks ready. Perhaps next weekend.

Now to get to work!