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Minirant, and stuff this week

I’ve wanted to write rants/essays about a few things this week, but once I sat down to actually write them, things didn’t turn out right. So instead I will consolidate them into bullets.

  • The intention to make a “game for women” is insulting. Instead game developers need to take a long hard look at how games are marketed, how they portray women and what their prize structure is like in their games.
  • The Linux world is becoming increasingly filled with people who don’t know how to RTFM – this is good because it means linux is now accessible to the masses, anyone can install it! But it’s also bad because there is a very loud minority who believe they are entitled to help from anyone who knows more than them and who have no intention of ever learning how to RTFM.
  • What is with women who choose nicknames like “linuxgurl” and “geekgrrl” and “techchick”? There have always been some, but it’s become an annoying epidemic.
  • I love Yoplait Mountain Blueberry Yogurt.

This week has been busy with many things. I never mentioned that I had fun at the PLUG West Linux Beer Night. Their plan seems to be to start making real meetings in Malvern regularly, with presentations and all. I actually posted to the list to say I greatly enjoyed the informalish beer night itself, so hopefully they’ll want to plan more of those too. Mmmm beer and linux talk.

Last night I ran a bunch of errands after work, perhaps most importantly of which was finally getting the Rav4 to a car wash. When I got home Michael and I headed over to Sly Fox. It appears we are Sly Fox regulars now, half the hostesses now know what our favorite table is and I think we’ve had all the waiters/waitresses at least once. I finally tried their Abbey Xtra, which was a very light and smoothe Belgian that I enjoyed two pints of. Unfortunately they were out of their special Cascade IPA, so we brought home a growler of 113 IPA instead which I’ll be “diving into” this evening.

At work today they finally announced to everyone in the office that I’m going to be taking the job at the corporate office up the street, so today has been full of congratulations, this has made for a cheerful friday.

This weekend Michael and I will be headed down to the city for a Gatherings Concert with Saul Stokes and Michael Bentley. Michael just formally introduced me to Saul Stokes’ work this week, I’d previously heard some of his stuff but never knew who it was. I’m not familiar with Michael Bentley, but I expect it will be be a good concert. We had actually planned on spending the day down in Philly, visiting south street to do some shopping and grabbing dinner at somewhere nice down there, but the weather doesn’t seem to be on our side for that. We’ll see.