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My Past Two Days

On Tuesday night Michael took me out to dinner to Sly Fox. We had a pretty typical meal there and I got the old standard Pastrami Rueben that I love so much. We both tried their new Cascade IPA, which was very enjoyable.

I spent the evening just chilling out, took a bubble bath and did a journey for the “creation story” we’re writing for our shaman class. I went to bed around 10.

Wednesday night I stopped at home to get changed and headed over to ‘s place to catch a ride with him down to the PLUG meeting.

The meeting was good, unfortunately I ran across the problem I had read about in so many forums about the power of my Belkin wireless card in Linux. I could get signal for a couple moments, but then it would drop again, people around me didn’t seem to have any trouble. Amusingly, part of the discussion in the beginning of the talk had to do with how lousy wireless support for Linux is, indeed, this card is said to work much better in Windows. Sigh.

After the talk we headed over to The Best House, where I got to spend time catching up with . It was great to see her, she’s been so busy lately and it had been over a month since we had time to sit down and talk. And as much as I hate to perpetuate the myth that chicks don’t care to talk about computers, we did spend a fair amount of time talking about friends, family and manicures.

While riding back to ‘s place he and I were talking about Linux distributions and I started pondering the state of my laptop. I put Ubuntu on it because I was lazy, and I always intended to switch to Debian. I think it is time. I’ll see how much time I have this weekend (have errands to run and might have plans with friends on my day off tomorrow, and then Shaman class on Saturday. I want to have at least 8 hours set aside for it – Sunday perhaps? Next weekend?). Ubuntu has treated me well, and a backup of /etc/ is going to be a great help when installing Debian, but Gnome and all the things Ubuntu comes with really leech from the performance of the little laptop. Debian will treat it much better.

I’m at lunch now and have about 3 hours left of work before my 3-day weekend. It’s raining out, the bad winter storm people were all moaning about never materialized. I’m looking forward to 5 o’clock.