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Friday night we met the usual movie night crew, at one of their places this time. We talked a lot, caught a couple episodes of the Daily Show on their TiVo. Ate some food and had a couple beers. We ended up leaving pretty early because we were both tired.

I did get to try out my new lambic glasses, Michael brought home a case of the Lindenman’s Peche lambic, mmmm.peche lambic

Most of the beautiful day yesterday was spent outside cleaning up the yard. Raking leaves and dead plants out of the garden and carting them off to the compost heap out back. Michael helped me dispose of a rose “bush” that I wasn’t strong enough to destroy myself. That silly rose bush thing has annoyed me since we moved in, it has giant thorns and maybe two unimpressive flowers per year, and grows uncomfortably close to the faucet for the hose. Now hopefully the root (which was about 3 inches in diameter!) that was left in the ground won’t manage to spawn a whole new plant.

For dinner last night we went out to Sly Fox where we picked up a growler of their new Cascade IPA. Bob swung by shortly after we got home from dinner, and we watched a movie and had a couple beers before I abandoned them to get some sleep around 10PM.

This morning I woke up around 9AM and finished John Varley’s Millennium, which I borrowed from Bob recently. It was a fun, quick read. Exactly what I needed. Michael made breakfast and then headed out to Bob’s place to meet up with another friend and drive out see some Aikido thing in Princeton, NJ. I was invited along too, but eventually declined, despite their plan to hit Triumph on the way home. I’m fairly non-girly about lots things, but all sports – martial arts included – put me to sleep, and it would probably be rude to bring a book.

This alone time is nice. Plus it’s raining out, perfect day to get some stuff done that’s been sitting on my to-do list for a while.