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must resist… resisting….

Oh, and there is a Belgian beer and exotic cheeses tasting going on there today that I’m not going to..

Right, like I’m going to resist a Belgian beer an exotic cheese tasting less than 5 miles from my house.

We went, it’s all Michael’s fault, whatever tiny bit of will-power was preventing me from going was pushed to the wayside with his “are you SURE you don’t want to go?” comments.

But I’m glad we went. We always meet intelligent, interesting people when we go to these things, it’s fantastic to meet a couple of fellow hiker, home-brewing, beer lovers! They told us of several beer festivals and things that we are certainly interested in. Somehow we got on the topic of where we’re going for a honeymoon and they had the fantastic idea of going to the Grand Canyon – something I hadn’t really thought of but which would be so perfect. And finally, Linux was mentioned toward the end of the evening, they aren’t techies, but appreciated the idea behind Linux and were happy to learn that it’s become more user friendly in the 5 years since they first tried it, we shared our email addresses and pointed them in the direction of Ubuntu.

Now I’m forcing myself to finish this glass of water, because I know I’ll have a miserable morning tomorrow if I don’t – yay for tipsy journal entries after returning from a beer tasting!