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Out of winter funk and angelfish :(

The weather was delightfully weird yesterday. There was a wonderful thunderstorm in the morning, I got up around 5:30 morning to throw a load of laundry in the drier and spent about an hour reading in the living room and enjoying the thunderstorm. With Michael going to the gym so early each morning I am afforded some much needed alone time to enjoy such things. On my way to work it started to get sunny. Shortly after arriving at work another thunderstorm came through, even in our windowless office we could hear the thunder. It’s went on like this all day.

It’s nice enough out now to start enjoying the Magic Room again. My lousy-in-Linux wireless PCMCIA card for my laptop won’t get signal all the way out in the garage, but perhaps that’s for the best. I can spend a bunch of time out there just doing writing without being interrupted.

I think I’ve finally beaten that winter time funk that was plaguing me this year and have gotten back into being more productive and planning things. Yesterday I mailed both the PhillyChix and MontcoLUG lists to get meetings organized for May.

I’m very much looking forward to something for the PhillyChix, it’s been far too long since we’ve gotten together and Hanna lives near a nice sushi place in Center City that it looks like we’ll plan on meeting at. And in case I haven’t mentioned it here before, we’ve opened up the PhillyChix a bit, men can come if they are accompanied by a woman, I figured this would help get some of the more shy Chix out. So any guys reading this who have a women they want to get into Linux, or knows one who might be too shy to come to a meeting alone – come! I’ll post the date and more details once they’re worked out.

As for MontcoLUG, I took Michael’s suggestion and posted to the list about the possibility of having a meeting at the Royersford Sly Fox. Sly Fox came to mind because they have private rooms for groups (not that we’d need one for such a small group, but it’s an option), they have beer, and they have free Wifi.

In not so good news, our angelfish died yesterday. It was sick for a couple weeks and even though we thought it was getting better we found it swimming upside down Sunday night. Yesterday morning I checked on it and it was hardly breathing :( Michael emailed me yesterday afternoon to tell me that he had buried it. Poor fishie, I’m rather upset about this, he was a big, fun fish who would chase your hand if it got close to the tank. Sigh.