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Shopping and things

I wasn’t in the best mood yesterday. It was the culmination of a lot of things, including working some things out with Michael before the wedding, working overtime for an audit at work, feeling like I’m getting nowhere with my healthier eating/exercise/diet thing, never seeing my tulips open.

So when Michael called me last night to tell me he’d be home late, I decided to run some errands and pick up some things I needed at Kohl’s before going home. Kohl’s is on my way home from work, I am not one to care a great deal about stores and this is really no exception, but they seem to have pretty nice stuff and decent prices.

I went into the store knowing I needed a bathroom scale, to cure/aid my feeling of getting nowhere with my diet. There were lots of scales, mostly digital ones that require batteries, all pretty much doing the same things like calculating BMI and keeping track of changes in weight. I picked up the most basic scale I could find – no batteries, no spiffy digital display, just a basic dial scale. I was happy to discover that the price tag of $29.99 was not accurate due to their giant store-wide sale, and I ended up getting the thing for $16.99. While I was there I decided to browse the store a little, and left with some new socks (which I needed) and a couple pairs of earrings. In all, I spent about $30, and it improved my mood slightly.

I came home and frowned at my tulips again. I’ve been going into work each morning an hour or more early, and getting home around 6 all week, so while we’ve had BEAUTIFUL weather all week and I’ve been seeing plenty of other tulips blooming on my walks at lunch, but I haven’t been able to enjoy my own blooming tulips. Knowing that it’d be a generally rainy and miserable weekend and I probably wouldn’t see them now either I decided to pick some flowers. I went out back and picked some of the wild purple flowers growing all over the place, they’re probably weeds, but they’re pretty anyway. I then grabbed one of the last pretty daffodils and one of my several yellow tulips. I put them together in a vase and put them on the kitchen table – pretty!

cut flowers

This morning I woke up and Michael wasn’t here, apparently he went to the gym. I’ve just been chilling out this morning, will probably tackle my bedroom closet this afternoon to do some much needed spring cleaning. Tonight we’re heading down to the city for a Robert Rich concert, which should be a lot of fun, he’s fantastic in concert we haven’t seen him since 2003.

Tomorrow the plan is to hang out with Nita for a bit. I’ll be nice, I haven’t seen her in far too long and I need to get out of the house for a while without Michael, I think we’re starting to drive each other crazy ;)