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Chillout weekend

It’s peony season, mine bloomed this week.

Red Peony

Red Peony

We’ve had a pretty mellow weekend. Saturday during the day I did some cleaning, in evening we went to the sweat lodge. It was a pretty crowded lodge, as is expected because it’s rare that it falls on a weekend. The weather was warm and humid, so the lodge got pretty hot and when Jim called for a break halfway through I decided that I should call it quits.

Yesterday we headed to the gym in the morning and then swung by the Montgomery Mall to pick up a few things. We chilled out in the afternoon, Michael was going through the pile of sparcs to see what was salvagable, a couple of them don’t have harddrives or ram. The sparc5 that I’m getting is a 100mhz box with a whopping 256 megs of ram. He also finished installing Debian on the little LX. In the evening we headed out to Sly Fox, where we were the only customers for a while and the bartender gave us the remote to one of the TVs which I turned to the Discovery Channel and we watched MythBusters while enjoying our beers and food.

Today is similarly a chill out day. Still a little cleaning to do around the house and this afternoon Bob is coming over to hang out and have a couple beers. The forecast says it’s going to get close to 90 and humid today, a forecast that I’m really not ready for, it’s only May!

Tomorrow I go back to work, but this is the last time today that I think about it.